Meet the Zion Team


Vicar Patti Eaton

My first life call occurred when I was a child. I just always knew that I would be a nurse helping people, which I did for 44 years. Retirement came along with my second grandchild, and I was dedicated to helping raise them. Being a grandmother was a life’s dream that God allowed me to realize. God added a third grandchild into the mix and things got interesting!!

In 2019 I was called to join the Church Council as Secretary at a time when Council membership was quite slim. We had no President or Vice President! At the end of 2019, I decided to go for broke and throw my hat into the ring for Council President. That was exactly God’s plan. COVID hit in March of 2020 and as a retired nurse, I was able to use my nursing skills to assist the church through the pandemic.

The Holy Spirit then led me to leading worship when our pastor and his family had to isolate. As I learned and participated in worship, I realized that God was calling me, yet again, to serve. In October of 2023 I will be starting Seminary as a participant in the T.E.E.M. Program (Theological Education for Emerging Ministries). This program leads to ordination in about two and a half years. With the support of the Church Council and assistance of Pastor John Mittermaier acting as my mentor, I started my T.E.E.M. Candidacy. I am humbled by the encouragement I have received from my Zion Family. Thank You!

Zion Staff

Missy Beers
Office Manager

Gary Kaelin
Financial Person

Bill Seale
Music Director

Zion Council


Nathaniel Kaelin

Erin Sanchez
Vice President

Donna Wolfe
Administrative Assistant

Jason Higgins


Renee Beck
Group MInistries’

Daphne Lee
Social Concerns
(Picture coming)

Steven Flanagan

Property Management

Congregation Care & Christian Education




Missy Beers



Bio Coming soon





William Seale has performed in recital, concert, opera and oratorio throughout Cincinnati, Delaware, Florida and Washington D.C. He has performed the solos in Handel’s Messiah, Brahms, Fauré, Duruflé and Mozart Requiems, Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, Magnificat and Cantata # 82 “Ich habe genug”, Schubert’s Mass in G, Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass, Saint-Saëns Christmas Oratorio, Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors (Melchior), and Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro (Bartolo). Also, an experienced accompanist for both singers and instrumentalists,
William has played for numerous master classes and recitals and provided music for the PBS special and DVD, “The Deming of America”. Before coming to attend The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music as a vocal performance major, he studied organ at The Washington National Cathedral and studied the Arthur Lessac Method of Acting with Arthur Lessac and Corinne Felton. At the Conservatory he studied voice with Franklin Bens, Patricia Berlin, and afterward, Andrew White, with whom he continued advanced study for 22 years. He studied accompanying
with Babette Effron, Mirium Kockritz, and Ruth Riley, and opera studies with Italo Tajo. He was a studio accompanist for Andrew White, Lucile Evans, Berton Coffin, Patricia Berlin, Italo Tajo, Hubert Kockritz, Helen Laird, Sherrill Milnes, Lynn Harrell, Sigmund Effron, and Eugene Blee.
He was on the voice faculty of CCM Summer Music Institute for 9 years.
Seale joined the voice faculty of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music Preparatory Department in 1976, of which he was chairperson for over 15 years, and has had students who have made debuts with Arizona Opera, The Washington Opera, The New York City Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Dayton Opera, Opera Columbus, Sorg-Whitewater Opera, Cincinnati Opera, Santa Fe, The San Francisco Opera, The Metropolitan Opera, and the Broadway stage. He was the Director of Music at The Presbyterian Church of Wyoming for 25 years and also the successful Valley Concert Series with over ninety performances, including guests: The Cincinnati Boychoir, The May Festival Chamber Choir, Friends of the Groom liturgical drama troupe, Elizabeth and Eugene Pridonoff, Michael Chertock, Frank Weinstock, The Amernet String Quartet, The Chanticleer String Quartet, The Adagio Trio, The Cincinnati Klezmer Project, and has conducted choral works that include Handel’s Messiah, Bach’s Cantata #4, Fauré’s Requiem, The Seven Last Words of Christ by Dubois and the Poulenc Motets for Christmas. He is the conductor for the CD recording “Christmas in Wyoming.” As part of the Valley Concert Series, prepared and produced a fully staged and costumed production of “Amahl and the Night Visitors” with the Soloists and Chancel Choir of The Presbyterian Church of Wyoming and included The Immanuel Presbyterian Church Choir, performing at St. George Church in Clifton and Maple-knoll Village. The Chancel Choir of the Presbyterian Church of Wyoming was invited to perform in two concerts for the internationally acclaimed Cincinnati Pops Orchestra conducted by the late Maestro Erich Kunzel. The second of those concerts at Riverbend also featured the famous Irish group, The Chieftains. Seale was a judge for the national finals competition for The Karaoke World Championship four years in a row. Seale is currently the Director of Music for Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hamilton, Ohio, where he is conductor, pianist, organist, and handbell director.



Nathaniel Kaelin



Nathaniel Kaelin is a lifelong member of Zion. He grew up with parents and grandparents all active in the church and is at least the fourth generation to be confirmed at Zion. Nathaniel has served on church council twice before with roles related to property maintenance. He has also been involved with ushering, streaming worship services, and past stewardship campaigns. Outside of Zion, Nathaniel is a certified urban planner and currently works for the City of Fairfield. He enjoys travel, especially to unique cities and national parks. Nathaniel's wife, Amanda, and son have joined the Zion family through marriage and adoption


Erin Sanchez



 I have been a member of Zion's congregation for 15 years, but I am a life-long Lutheran. Currently, I am a member of the Facebook administration, the streaming team, a Sunday school teacher, and I regularly attend our Adult Fellowship and Euchre Club. I've worked in banking for 11 years, and I'm involved in both Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts with my 4 children, as well as my daughters' school's PTC. In my spare time, I try to use my degree as often as possible by helping with local archeological projects, and my friends and I compete in gingerbread house competitions. Looking forward to helping Zion grow and thrive!


Donna Wolfe



I have been a member of Zion for 40 years.  I have served on council for around  8 years. I have been one of the Youth leaders for a total of 6 years. I have been a Communion assistant for many years and served on alter guild. I have helped with our Bible School and WINGS program. I have been a Sunday School teacher here at Zion when I met my soulmate. We have been married for Thirty-four years and was married at Zion. Our children have been baptized and married here.  I have always been a child of God and went to church. He is my all. I work at a school and love the kids.  Being a part of our Zion family and being a child of God is what gets me through the day. All things are possible with him our lord and savior.

Jason Higgins



Bio Coming soon


Daphne Lee



Bio coming soon

Renee Beck



Bio Coming soon


Steven Flanagan

Property Management


Bio Coming soon


Mike Frye



Born and raised in Cincinnati (Oakley) April 1947. Attended Oakley elementary and Withrow high, class of '66.
Started GE Evendale in June of '66 as a draftsman and retired in 2007. Kathy and I got merried in August '73 (50 years this summer)
We have 4 children: Darrell, Eric, Erin and Michael. 8 grand children the youngest of which are twin girls.
My hobbies are reading and studying historical people and events, especially the journals of Lewis and Clark.
I also enjoy woodworking in my shop. In our younger years, Kathy and I were "campers" traveling across country to Yellowstone (twice) and Canada, state and national parks as well.
I like "how to" TV shows and sports, especially Buckeyes, Bearcats, Bengals and Reds. I started life as a Baptist and became a Lutheran upon marriage. We joined Zion in 2007 and feel right at home.